Study: Writing by Hand Leads To Better Brain Connectivity By Erik Ofgang published 29 February 24 Students writing by hand have more active brains than when they typing, researchers recently found.
The Research-Practice Divide is Real. Here's How To Overcome It. By Erik Ofgang published 30 January 24 Easy-to-implement strategies for both teachers and researchers to bridge the research-practice divide, from UMass Professor Torrey Trust
AI Detectors Discriminate Against Non-Native Speakers, Says Stanford Research By Erik Ofgang published 8 November 23 The AI detectors got it wrong more than half the time when evaluating writing from non-Native English-speaking students, recent research found.
Study: Students Who Read Print Learn More Than Those Who Read Tablets By Erik Ofgang published 30 October 23 Past research has noted a print advantage in reading. Researchers wondered whether that would still be the case when comparing print to handheld devices. It was.
Why Silver Bullet Solutions Persist in Education By Erik Ofgang published 21 July 22 The quick-fix solutions promised by silver bullet interventions can distract from the more localized and complicated solutions schools really need, say experts.
Students Less Likely to Be Suspended by Teacher of Same Race By Erik Ofgang last updated 18 May 22 New research finds that Black, Latino, and Asian-American students in New York City were about 3 percent less likely to be suspended if their teachers shared their racial or ethnic background.
Does Growth Mindset Work? By Erik Ofgang last updated 6 May 22 Does growth mindset really help students? The research has shown yes and no.
Growth Mindset: 4 Ways to Implement It In Class By Erik Ofgang published 6 May 22 Growth mindset works for specific students in specific instances but educators should be careful when implementing it, says David S. Yeager of the University of Texas at Austin.
Are Phones Good for Students? By Erik Ofgang last updated 20 April 22 Students are using phones and screens more than ever before and, fortunately, the mental health impact of the devices may be exaggerated.
Mindfulness Training Shows Promise for Teachers in New Study By Erik Ofgang published 14 April 22 A randomized control trial found teachers who received mindfulness training had less job-related stress and anxiety
Measuring School Growth Instead of Achievement By Erik Ofgang published 20 December 21 Researchers at St. Louis University’s Policy Research in Missouri Education Center believe growth is a better metric than achievement when assessing schools.